Thursday, September 25, 2014

Burned Books Week!

My favorite thing about September,

Burned Books!

In honor of the books that parents find "inappropriate", here are my top 5 on the list of banned books.

1. The Perks of Being a Wallflower

By:  Stephen Chbosky

Reason Challenged:
This book was challenged over drug, alcohol, and smoking use, it's sexually explicit, it's profanity, torture, and it is unsuited to the age group.

OOOOK, No. It's a great book, but it does touch on some more adult topics. There is nothing sexually explicit and no torture. I recommend.

2. The Face on the Milk Carton

By: Caroline B. Cooney

Reason Challenged:
Banned because it was claimed to have been sexually explicit and encourages the challenge of

I read this in fourth grade... They kiss, there is nothing bad about this book. It has a touchy topic, but it's a great read.

3. Thirteen Reasons Why

By:  Jay Asher

Reason Challenged:
Book was challenged over drug, alcohol, and smoking use, suicide, sexually explicit, and it is unsuited to the  age group

This book is about a girl's suicide and why she died. OF COURSE IT'S EDGY. It is not, however, sexually explicit.

4. Looking for Alaska

By: John Green

Reason Challenged:
Claimed that book encourages sexual activity, drug/smoking/alcohol use, inappropriate language, and is unsuited to the age group

Ok, Looking for Alaska teeters on the edge of explicit. I personally don't recommend it for anyone under their sophomore year of high school. Any younger would not be a good suggestion, because it is a very adult novel.

5. The Great Gatsby

By: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Reason Challenged:
Challenged over sexual references, bad language, partying, alcohol references, deceitful characters, and racial comments.


Umm.. This is a classic. It's not bad! It's Gatsby! Who doesn't LOVE this book?? Sure, he loses his mind and Daisy and him don't end up together, oops... Spoilers?


In Conclusion, go out and read a banned book!

Happy Burned Books Week!


Sorryyyy about this late update. I am unsure as to when you'll hear from me again, so in the meantime, check out my last post!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Lend an Ear

Everyone has that one genre on music that they stick to, but there are so many different genres of music that it's hard to not try other types of music, so here are my suggestions for when you want to try something new.

1. Birdy's "What About Angels"

This song is a bit sad, but it's beautifully written for when you need a soft song to help get out your stears. Maybe just like sad music like me. It was written for the movie The Fault in our Stars, if that tells you anything.



2. "Buzz Cut Season" by Lorde

Most Lorde songs are a bit strange and this one follows that same theme, but it is very well written and happens to be my favorite song by her. It's a great slow song for when you want try something new.


3. "Problem" by Arianna Grande

You probably know this song, it's constantly on the radio. Nevertheless, this song is perfect for a pumped up car ride with Rether; and, maybe, if you have a listen, you can car dance like us as well.


4. "Lies" by Marina and the Diamonds

Marina is a personal favorite of mine. She is a beautiful singer and is incredibly indie, but this is one my favorite songs of hers. If you like this, listen to the rest of her songs. She's perfect.


5. "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen

If you haven't heard this, I'm disappointed in you! Go educate yourself! This is Queen!! Plus, it's an oldie, but a goodie.


6. "Murda Bidness" by Iggy Azalea

I love this song, but it does have quite a bit of language. It is my "fired up" song that I listen to when I need a boost. It's also rap, so do not listen if you're not a fan. If you are, this so is hilarious and It's Iggy, so it's obviously perf.


7. "I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else" by A Great Big World

This is a beautiful song written by the guys who sang "Say Something" with Christina. If you haven't heard their other songs, I'd give them a try. They're great writers with  unique voices. You never know, they may end up your favorite artists.

8. "Pure Imagination" by Fiona Apple

Fiona has been around forever and has a fabulous voice, so this cover was just a cherry on top of her career. It was also used in a Chipotle Ad... Are you convinced to listen yet?


9. "Oceans" by Hillsong United

If you like contemporary Christian music, this one is one of my favorite Christian songs. It's a great pick me up!


10. "Young and Beautiful" by Lana Del Ray

Even if you hate Lana, which you shouldn't, you'll probably love this song. It was used for The Great Gatsby and may possibly be one of my favorite Lana Songs.


11. "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan

I had to throw a Disney song in here. If you don't know this song, contact me and I'll help you find your childhood. (Maybe you can find my beach ball?)


12. "Raindrops" by Fytch, Captain Crunch, and Carmen Forbes

This is dubstep and has an awesome bass drop, but dubstep isn't for everyone. I love it though. Just be warned.


13. "Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile" from Annie

Who doesn't love the adorable ginger that is Annie. This song can easily lift your spirits and is my favorite from the movie (and musical). (I also recommend "Maybe", but that's an honorable mention.)


14. "Maybe This Time" from Cabaret

A beautifully sad song that I simply adore. While the play itself is an adult film, this song encompasses the word heartbreaking.  It's just to die for.


15. Anything by One Direction

I mean seriously, they're adorable, British fellows with gorgeous voices and outstanding personalities. What's not to love?


I believe I covered most genres and if I didn't hit one, let me know! The list could go on forever, but I decided to stop with 15.  I didn't put a country song because my mommy said if I can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all. Have fun listening and I hope you enjoy!

Previously on Going Greene:

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Dear Pinterest,

Dear Pinterest,

      I thought you were just an app that I could find fun things to try to improve my lifestyle; but, you've turned in to so much more, and you need to be thanked. Thank you for the things you do. Whether it's your cat, dog, goat and horse gifs or the pugs in party hats. Thank you for allowing me to waste time pinning adorable outfits and accessories while I sit on the couch in my sweat pants, t-shirt, and no make-up. Thank you for your awesome and creative DIY activities that I will admire and probably never fulfill unless I'm procrastinating real work. Thank you for your art pieces that are pretty to look at and I'm only pinning because I've been pinning all day, so what's one more pin? Thank you for the awesome pools, staircases, and hidden passage ways that I dream of putting in my house, but won't ever spend the money to achieve. Thank you for the Doctor Who edits, Supernatural gifs, all the possible ways Sherlock survived the fall off of the building (three years ago), and even the Harry Potter edits that I've seen 40 times, yet still enjoy. Thank you for the princess cosplay and Disney stories that make me long for a trip to Disney. Thank you for the beautiful hair styles that I will never be able to achieve, but pin in hopes that one day I'll get a creative bone in my body or meet someone who will make my hair presentable. Thank you for the hilarious stories and edits that people make to make fun of the people of Wal-Mart or themselves. Thank you for the exercise pins that I will never try because they look hard and I'm too tired. Thank you for the beautiful pictures of tropical islands and resorts that I wish I had the time and money to travel to. But most importantly, thank you for allowing me to waste my time and procrastinate.

Thanks always,

The Pinner with over 3.5 pins.

 Check out last week's post:

Saturday, July 5, 2014

What is Love?

Now I've been taking a poll the past couple of weeks on the hunt for the true definition of love.

Many people have mixed definitions of love.

Some said things as simple as "Looking past flaws and loving them anyways", while others were much more thought proving.

I believe love is something so heart encompassing that it's hard to give it a true definition.

"Love is not a feeling, It's a verb. It's an absolute unyielding decision to never quit. No matter how much you want to quit, you don't leave them. Love is giving your life."

You may be wondering, "Why is she telling me about love?"

Well, many minors these days are very quick to decide that they are in love. They could be dating the person for as short as one month or as long as three years. It really doesn't matter how long you date that person. I know someone who dated for six months and decided that she would never want to be with anyone else, so she married him and now has a child. She's as happy as she could be.

Unfortunately, it's not always that easy. Life is full of heartbreak. Minors are so driven by lust and longing that they conclude that they are in love with their partner very casually.

I know why though. People are so obsessed with movies and songs that idolize unwed actions and passion driven things, so minors believe that love is a physically achieved noun; unfortunately that's why the world is not traditional in the dating world anymore.

 Sadly, love is dramatized in the real world. I love Breakfast at Tiffany's and The Notebook as much as the next girl, but love is so much deeper and life consuming than a movie could even capture; which is probably why we're saying this:

Where are the traditional men that make love easier? Well they're out there.

In conclusion, love is giving your life, so think before you give your all to someone.

Also, what do you think love is? Do you disagree with me? Let me know. I'd love to hear your definition of love!

p.s. check out my last post :)


The Fourth of July

AKA let's see how many fireworks we can release without setting trees on fire.

I actually LOVE the fourth of July.

Who doesn't love a day full of freedom and coming together.

You get to eat, shoot fireworks, swim, and celebrate with friends. Does it get much better?

Seriously though, the fourth of July is a day completely devoted to our veterans and everyone who has made America what it is today.

Thank you veterans; and, God bless America!

 p.s. check out my last post :)

Friday, June 20, 2014

Highschool in Gifs



You plan to have an eventful summer, but end up just being like


You do that the majority of my summer until you actually have to do something, then you're like

(But, let's face it, Rether wouldn't let you wimp out on doing something because you're tired)


You spend summer enjoying your bed and don't keep up with the date. That is until your mom tells you school's about to start back and you're like


Then, reality kind of hits you like


The first week you're exhausted from staying up all summer watching marathons of you're favorite TV show, so you react kind of like


and people make you want to


But soon you get into the groove of school and start being like



That is until you get into exams and people start bragging about everything they're doing great in and you're like




On top of studying for exams, you also get homework so you're like 






to all of your teachers


Then, you finally get through your final exams so you and your friends are like

 (you're just praying you passed, really)

Until you realize that Summer Vacation is coming up, then you stop worrying about your future and you're like


And feel like


That is until you actually get back into Summer... 

Then you go back to doing what you did last summer.


(Which is extremely productive)



I decided to do a High School in Gifs today because:

1. They're accurate
2. They're hilarious
3. Who doesn't love gifs?

Enjoy! and I'll see you all next week!

I hope you all enjoyed! Today's blog post was inspired by, they are hilarious and I love their gif reactions! Tell me what you all want for next week and/or if any of these relate to your life. I love getting feedback and hearing if people enjoy my blog!

Keep Going Greene!


Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday Favorites: Top 5 Book Promotions



I am a big advocate for reading and what not, so from one book nerd to another, here are my top 10 books I've read.

1. Nice is Just a Place in France by The Betches
This is a very funny book about a young adult's rise to becoming an adult and how to deal with it. I have to give credit to this hilarious book to my sister, Haverley. Without her, this book wouldn't be in my possession. (Note: Adult Content)

2. The Sister's Grimm Series by Michael Buckley
This is an adorable younger child's book (aka basically my childhood) that tells the story of two sister's facing the fairy tale characters they only dreamt of. This is a series, but still one of my favorite series I've ever read and my go to whenever I need some light reading or a laugh.

3. How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford
This may possibly be my favorite book I've ever read (which is saying a lot). It's about a young girl named Beatrice who befriend's "Ghost Boy" Jonah and their story advances. It is a bit sad, but a beautifully written and thought out story that doesn't get as praised as it deserves.


4. The Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus Series by Rick Riordan
This series is also a light hearted read, but it's really educational as well. I know a lot about Greek mythology because of these series. They're (mostly) light and are one of my personal faves. (I mean come on, who doesn't ship Percibeth?)

5. The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth
I love this series! I know it's one of those books-into-movie type deal, but do NOT skip over reading this series. I got so wrapped in this series that my mom had to make sure I was ok after some parts. It  is a dystopian novel about a young girl, Beatrice (popular name, haha). It is one of my favorite series ever written. I got extremely attached and I hope you enjoy it as well.

I hope this will help you enjoy your summer when you need a wind down book for sleeping or maybe a "chill" book for the beach. I will see you next Friday and be sure to check out my latest blog post:

Let me know what you think of my choices and tell me some of your favorites! I'm always open for suggestions.

Have fun Going Greene!