Sunday, July 13, 2014

Dear Pinterest,

Dear Pinterest,

      I thought you were just an app that I could find fun things to try to improve my lifestyle; but, you've turned in to so much more, and you need to be thanked. Thank you for the things you do. Whether it's your cat, dog, goat and horse gifs or the pugs in party hats. Thank you for allowing me to waste time pinning adorable outfits and accessories while I sit on the couch in my sweat pants, t-shirt, and no make-up. Thank you for your awesome and creative DIY activities that I will admire and probably never fulfill unless I'm procrastinating real work. Thank you for your art pieces that are pretty to look at and I'm only pinning because I've been pinning all day, so what's one more pin? Thank you for the awesome pools, staircases, and hidden passage ways that I dream of putting in my house, but won't ever spend the money to achieve. Thank you for the Doctor Who edits, Supernatural gifs, all the possible ways Sherlock survived the fall off of the building (three years ago), and even the Harry Potter edits that I've seen 40 times, yet still enjoy. Thank you for the princess cosplay and Disney stories that make me long for a trip to Disney. Thank you for the beautiful hair styles that I will never be able to achieve, but pin in hopes that one day I'll get a creative bone in my body or meet someone who will make my hair presentable. Thank you for the hilarious stories and edits that people make to make fun of the people of Wal-Mart or themselves. Thank you for the exercise pins that I will never try because they look hard and I'm too tired. Thank you for the beautiful pictures of tropical islands and resorts that I wish I had the time and money to travel to. But most importantly, thank you for allowing me to waste my time and procrastinate.

Thanks always,

The Pinner with over 3.5 pins.

 Check out last week's post:

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