Let's face it.
This summer your bucket list is to get tan and to lose weight. Who doesn't want that over the summer? You wanna look like one of the Pinterest girls who have the smoking hot, size four bodies with a gorgeous summer tan. Trust me, I want it too. Unfortunately, it's not always how your summer works.If you had my summer last year, you probably ate ice cream and sat around watching Doctor Who (just me?).
Let's just me honest, summer is the first time you get a real break from life, school, work, etc. really anything that stresses you out and makes you feel overweight during the year. So your big plan is to go out get tan and feel like a skinny Pinterest girl.
You just finished all of your stuff during the school, so you're going to want to relax. Trust me. No one blames you for that. I do the same and so do your skinny friends (they're lying if they tell you any different). Summer is recovery time from all the stuff you put up with through the year. So, here is my advice on how to get your summer bucket list done and to have a relaxing summer.
1. How to Tan Like a Pro
Let's just be blunt. Tanning sucks. You sit out there trying to get a nice brown bod, but end up sweating like a pig and having to take a cold shower just to not suffer from overheating.
Well here is a helpful hint from Rether's book o' tanning tricks. (Rether's is my mom btw. Her name is Retha, but come on- Rether is catchy!)
My mother, being the good influence she is, told me the best way to lay out in the scalding sun is to put a giant fan out there and lay out.
Now before you get all catty wampersnack on me, just listen. This realllllllly works! I layed out in the sun for two hours and got nice and brown! Plus, with the fan blowing over me, I felt like I was enjoying the ocean breeze.
Hey, a girl can dream, right?
2. Getting in Shape
The worst part about summer is wearing a bikini. You wanna look great in it, but if you don't, you feel self conscious and don't enjoy laying out in the sun or swimming.
My advice this summer is this:
Find a TV show or movie you love.
I know what you're thinking and yes, I'm serious.
This way, you can go run (or walk quickly because who likes running?) for the amount of time as your TV show lasts, that way you're distracted by one of your favorite things.
Trust me on this, time flies when you're distracted and not focusing on your heavy breathing and sweat dripping down your back.
30 minutes every day. It's really that simple.
I mean come on, how can you not love watching these cute faces.
3. Aqua for the Boda
(Sorry for the cheesy name. It was just hanging in the air.)
Another important factor this summer-
Water water water water water water
Trust me it helps!
It flushes out everything and keeps you nice and hydrated for those hours laying in the sun.
Water also just makes you feel great!
Do you think the Egyptians looked for Coke to hydrate themselves when building the pyramids?
No! They drank water.
Just trust me on this one.
4. Nap Time
Last, but certainly not least!
Get some SLEEP!
Do I really need to say much more?
It helps the metabolism and sleeping is great!
Those are my tips for an awesome summer.
Enjoy friends!
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