Friday, June 20, 2014

Highschool in Gifs



You plan to have an eventful summer, but end up just being like


You do that the majority of my summer until you actually have to do something, then you're like

(But, let's face it, Rether wouldn't let you wimp out on doing something because you're tired)


You spend summer enjoying your bed and don't keep up with the date. That is until your mom tells you school's about to start back and you're like


Then, reality kind of hits you like


The first week you're exhausted from staying up all summer watching marathons of you're favorite TV show, so you react kind of like


and people make you want to


But soon you get into the groove of school and start being like



That is until you get into exams and people start bragging about everything they're doing great in and you're like




On top of studying for exams, you also get homework so you're like 






to all of your teachers


Then, you finally get through your final exams so you and your friends are like

 (you're just praying you passed, really)

Until you realize that Summer Vacation is coming up, then you stop worrying about your future and you're like


And feel like


That is until you actually get back into Summer... 

Then you go back to doing what you did last summer.


(Which is extremely productive)



I decided to do a High School in Gifs today because:

1. They're accurate
2. They're hilarious
3. Who doesn't love gifs?

Enjoy! and I'll see you all next week!

I hope you all enjoyed! Today's blog post was inspired by, they are hilarious and I love their gif reactions! Tell me what you all want for next week and/or if any of these relate to your life. I love getting feedback and hearing if people enjoy my blog!

Keep Going Greene!


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